Germany based construction product manufacturer BASF Construction Chemicals has launched its new concrete admixtures production plant in Nigeria.
The plant is expected to respond to the ever growing demand for concrete admixtures products.
Speaking during a press briefing, Nair Narayanan who is the country Manager for BASF Construction Chemicals, Chemicals said that the construction of concrete admixtures production plant in Nigeria is aimed at giving Nigerian construction industry the best.
He further added that, the admixtures will guarantee the production of concrete that is stronger and more durable as well as increasing its work ability retention leading to faster setting and hardening and finally accelerating the construction progress.
The new facility will allow tailor-made products for the local customers in order to meet their specific needs whereas the admixture product will lower the total cost of ownership in the country. The company is also eyeing to expand its business wings and export to other West African countries such as Liberia, Togo, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Benin and Burkina Faso.
According to Christian Geierhaas, BASF’s Regional head for the Construction Chemicals division, the company’s aim is to support the local industry by reducing imports, and thereby cutting down the long lead times for supplies and other transport related issues as more employment opportunities will be created so as the nation’s economy growth.
This will help with the development of roads which is great for Africa!
To read the full article go to constructionreviewonline.com
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