Sigma Plantfinder recently Shipped several CFA Piling rigs to customers in Nigeria.
Amongst them were Two Llamada P150's a Llamada P140 and a Fundex F16, all quality used Piling machines in CFA mode.
Sigma Plantfinder Limited have a wide choice when it comes to CFA Piling Equipment and Machines, If you are in the market for a Continuous Flight Auger Rig or CFA equipment that offers superior performance and durability, then Sigma Plantfinder Ltd. could have what you’re looking for.
So What is CFA Piling?
CFA (Continuous Flight Auger) Piling Rigs are also known as Continuous Flight Auger rig or Screw Piling rigs, and hollow tube piling machinery. The actual Piling or Continuous flight augering (CFA) is also known as auger cast piling, is a technique used in construction to create a concrete deep foundation. CFA piles are drilled and concreted in one continuous operation enabling much faster installation time than for bored piles. Reinforcement is placed into the wet concrete after casting, enabling the pile to stand up to the full range of structural loading.
Why is CFA piling Used?
CFA piles were developed in the USA in the 1940s, were first used in the UK in the 1960s and were introduced to Europe in the 1970s with the invention of the first hydraulic piling rigs. With its low level of vibration, the CFA process is particularly suited to environmentally sensitive sites and soft and/or water-bearing strata where deep casings would otherwise be necessary. They can be constructed as single piles or installed as part of a pile group similar to driven pile foundations, typically for bridge construction or large structural foundations. CFA piles are drilled and concreted in one continuous operation. They offer a much faster installation time than for bored piles.
How Does CFA Piling Work?
CFA piles are constructed by drilling a hollow stem continuous flight auger into the ground. Concrete or grout is pumped through the hollow stem once the correct depth has been reached, filling the cylindrical cavity created as the auger is slowly withdrawn. The reinforcement cage is pushed down through the freshly placed concrete. This creates a continuous pile without ever leaving an open hole.
Advantages of CFA Piling
A cost efficient foundation solution
Can be installed in most soil conditions such as sands, clays, silts, gravels and soft rock.
Resists compressive, uplift, and lateral loads
Low noise level and no vibration and low noise level so ideal in built-up areas with weak soil conditions and high levels of ground water
Compared to bored piles, construction is very quick as temporary casings or support systems are not required
Where Sigma Plantfinder Gets Involved.
CFA (Continuous Flight Auger) rigs, (sometimes called Auger Displacement rigs) give you a quick, economical and quiet way of piling, to create deep foundations perfect for high-rise and inner city construction. Thanks to our established relationships with suppliers across USA and Europe, our sourcing team can find any manufacturer Continuous Flight Auger Rig model you need whether it be Soilmec,Casagrande,Llamada, Liebherr, Mait or anything else. After securing you a great value deal on a CFA rig, our shipping team will arrange delivery to you, and we can even sort servicing, wearing parts or engine rebuilds if your CFA machine needs it before shipping. Rest assured, we look after you every step of the way.