Kenya National Highway Authority (KeNHA) has invited bidders from eligible contractors for several maintenance works for the third quarter for financial year 2016-2017 to be funded through the Road Maintenance Levy Fund (RMLF).
According to their website, there shall be a mandatory pre-tender site visits as detailed on the KeNHA and the Kenya supplier portal (IFMIS).
Eligible bidders and interested tenderers are advised to obtain a complete set of tender documents from the specified websites free of charge or also from the KeNHA Head office Procurement office, ground floor.
For those who would wish to obtain more information from the KeNHA Head office, you will be required to visit during normal working hours upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Kshs. 1000 in form of banker’s cheque only payable to Kenya National Highway Authority. The tender closing sate will be on Thursday, 13th April, 2017 at 11.00 a.m.
KeNHA is a state corporation, established under the Kenya Roads Act 2007 with the responsibility of managing, developing, rehabilitating and maintaining international trunk roads linking centres of international importance and crossing international boundaries or terminating at international ports(Class A road), national trunk roads linking internationally important centres (Class B roads), and primarily roads linking provincially important centres to each other or two higher-class roads (Class C roads).
In undertaking this mandate, the Authority propels the country to achieve its infrastructure goals as championed in the vision 2030.
The road system in Kenya is the major mode of transport interconnecting the rural areas to urban centers and regional markets.
The road network accounts for about 93% of freight traffic. At present, the entire network is approximately 177,000 km out of which about 63,000 km are classified ,14,000 km are unclassified urban roads and the balance of about 1000,000 km are unclassified rural road.
Extract from constructionreviewonline.com