A major repair of damaged bridges and road construction in Liberia is currently ongoing in the town of Doe Zuoplay in the Doe Administrative District of Nimba County.
In the same breath,the constructor in charge, the 21st Century Engineering and Construction Company is having a busy schedule building culverts ,clearing the road and having damaged bridges repaired in Doe Zuoplay Town.
The road leading from Tappita all the way to Doe Zuoplay has been closed for the last ten years as a result of the inability of the Government of Liberia to undertake regular maintenance works on the road.
Jackson N.Langar , the Doe-Zuoplay Town youth coordinator, said the clearing of the road comes as a blessing to the people of the district as it will make it easier for them to transport their goods to the market in Tappita and the rest of other parts in the county for sale.
He added that the town will now be able to receive text books, medical drugs and other essential goods in large quantity for the use of the people in the district.
The youth coordinator further requested the Liberian Government to consider connecting the entire roads with the various towns in the district to facilitate the free movement of people and goods. He noted that for the past years, commercial vehicles found it extremely hard to enter the town but with the rehabilitation of the road vehicles now find it easy to access the area.
Doe- Zuoplay is situated in the Doe Administrative District and has a human population of over 10, 000 with Sam Napa as the District Commissioner.
One a guided tour from the Town of Gogein to Doe- Zuoplay, workers at 21st Century Engineering and Construction Company were seen busy on repair works of several damaged bridges on the main highway leading to the town. In Nimba several feeder roads are currently undergoing rehabilitation including the Zoe- Geh and the Kparblee District roads in the county.
Extract from constructionreviewonline.com
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